Lead With Emotion: How to Craft a Compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) 

June 10, 2024

Matt Gainsford

Matt Gainsford

Imagine a workplace where employees feel deeply valued and connected to a shared mission—this isn’t just a dream. Dive into our blog to learn how to craft a compelling EVP.


Sell the Emotion – Crafting an Authentic, Compelling and Connective EVP 

Companies with a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) not only inspire fierce loyalty, reducing turnover by an incredible 69% but also ignite passion in new hires, boosting their commitment and attraction by nearly 30%. In this blog, we’ll be exploring the role of emotion in brand attraction and how an emotive EVP could be the most powerfully connective resource in your talent strategy toolbelt. 

What is an EVP? 

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the unique set of benefits and rewards that an employer offers its employees in exchange for their skills, capabilities, and experiences. It encompasses everything from compensation and benefits to career development opportunities, work environment, company culture, and values. 

A strong EVP articulates why someone would want to work for a particular organization over others, highlighting what makes it an attractive place to work, and what employees can expect to gain beyond just a salary. It is a key tool for attracting and retaining top talent by communicating the tangible and intangible benefits of working for the company. 

Feeling vs Fact 

The difference between a compelling EVP and a descriptive list of “benefits” is subtle. The goal is to get candidates leaning into feeling and imagination; if you can get them dreaming you can get them talking. 

Let them know what they can expect to experience, what’s in it for them, and how the environment/culture you are curating will support them in becoming a better version of themselves. 

So What?! 

The two most powerful words you can use to create a compelling employee value proposition are “So what”. Follow the rabbit trail and distill each offering within your EVP until it delivers laser-focused clarity. For example, “work remotely” – so what… it’s not about location it’s about freedom, flexibility, inspiration, implied trust, and supporting the candidate’s/employee’s autonomy. Top performers want to work, and they desire impact. Instead of “Work Remotely”, you could say “Work from where you feel most inspired.”  

Below, you will find a list of the most used benefits within an EVP and examples of how fact can be turned into feeling. We believe you’ll sense the difference, and by adopting this approach, so will your people. 

Let’s start with the facts… 

  • “Competitive salary and benefits package!” 

This statement is vague and doesn’t tell potential employees anything special about the company. Competition could mean anything and benefits packages are standard these days. 

Here’s what’s missing: 

  • Uniqueness: What sets the company apart from others in terms of compensation or benefits? 
  • Specificity: What benefits are offered (health, dental, vision, etc.)? Is there a profit-sharing plan or stock options? 
  • Focus on employee needs: Does the company offer flexible work arrangements, parental leave, or wellness programs? These can be big draws for potential hires. 

Here are some other examples that would be dull and lifeless EVP descriptors. 

Fact-Focused Employee Value Proposition Descriptors (try to stay awake) 

Remote Work Option – Work from home 

Collaborative Environment  – Work with a team 

Professional Development Programs – Training and development 

Impactful Projects  – Contribute to company goals 

Work-Life Balance Programs – Employee wellness 

Career Advancement Opportunities – Promotion and growth 

Benefits  – Medical, dental, vision, 401k, generous PTO 

Before you click “easy-apply” because they have a team, consider company two, with its emotional approach… 

Emotion Driven Employee Value Propositions 

Attracting and retaining top talent means more than just offering perks. Employees seek meaningful work, a supportive community, and a mission that aligns with their values. They want to be part of a company that lives its core values daily and not just through social media posts. This approach to EVP not only highlights tangible benefits but also connects on a deeper emotional level, making the proposition more compelling and aligned with personal motivations. 

The following examples answer the “So What” and connect the person with a tangible experience they can feel.  

Work From Where You Feel Most Inspired 

Choose your ideal workspace— a cozy home office, a bustling café, or a serene beach. Your best work happens where you feel most motivated. 

Belong to a Community That Celebrates You 

Find stability in a team that values your unique perspective and supports your ambitions.  

Here, every achievement is a shared celebration, and your contributions are truly appreciated. 

Elevate Your Potential with Every Challenge 

People today crave purpose and accomplishment. Discover endless opportunities for personal and professional growth. Tackle meaningful projects that push your boundaries and expand your skills every single day. 

Create a Legacy of Meaningful Impact 

Engage in work that resonates with your values and makes a tangible difference. Your efforts will help shape a better future, leaving a lasting impact on the world. 

Balance Your Ambitions and Well-being  

Achieve a harmonious balance between your career and personal life. With our extensive wellness programs, you can prioritize what matters most to you, ensuring a fulfilling and balanced life. 

Chart Your Path to Success 

We’re dedicated to your journey. With tailored support and development opportunities, your career will flourish, and your success will be our proudest achievement. 

Preparing for Every Eventuality. Building Your Future and Supporting Your Wellbeing 

What some companies call benefits, we call necessities: our health, wealth, and rest initiatives ensure your well-being and future financial success. Our comprehensive care packages and anti-burnout PTO policies provide peace of mind and the flexibility to take what you need when you need it. 

The Wrap Up 

By leading with emotion, we create a powerful, personal connection that transforms potential and current employees into passionate advocates for our mission. A strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) not only fosters loyalty and commitment but also attracts top talent who share our core values. Together, we can build a thriving, purpose-driven community where everyone feels valued and inspired to make a meaningful impact. 

At Titus Talent Strategies, we understand the power of human connection through emotion. We believe that building genuine relationships is paramount in the talent acquisition process. Our commitment to being relentlessly relational goes beyond transactions; it’s about fostering trust and understanding with candidates and clients. We invest time in getting to know your unique needs and the qualities that make a candidate a perfect fit for your company culture. This focus on people ensures we deliver high-caliber talent who will make a lasting impact on your organization.   

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